"Cascading Circles"created by Ellen Carey as a color photogram at 24 x 20 inches created in 2007.
Ellen Carey is Associate Professor at The Hartford Art School/University of Hartford. Her scholarship "Pictus & Writ" includes her Man Ray discovery; she also guest curates. Carey's MFA is from the University at Buffalo and her BFA from Kansas City Art Institute.
Her photo-based art is unprecedented; she is considered a pioneer in the contemporary art field. Her projects use the Polaroid 20 X 24 camera to create her "Pulls" and site-specific installations under her concept "Photography Degree Zero and her camera-less photogram work is "Struck by Light"(http://www.ellencarey.net).
Her artworks are the subject of 50 one-person exhibitions in museums, alternative spaces, galleries such as The Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art (MATRIX#153), Real Art Ways ("Mourning Wall") and ICP/NY; also in hundreds of group exhibits. Currently, a new color photogram Dings & Shadows "The Democracy of Images: Photographs from the Smithsonian American Art Museum"; Vassar College in "The Polaroid Years: Instant Photography and Experimentation Aperture Foundation as "The Edge of Vision: The Rise of Abstraction in Photography.
Akus Gallery presents "Let There Be Light: The Black Swans of Ellen Carey" in Eastern Connecticut State University and Ibu Gallery features new work for Paris PHOTO. A bibliography includes reviews/essays/articles; brochures/catalogues/books; she is the recipient of numerous grants (NEA, CAPS) and Carey lectures widely.
"Cascading Circles"created by Ellen Carey as a color photogram at 24 x 20 inches created in 2007.
Ellen Carey is Associate Professor at The Hartford Art School/University of Hartford. Her scholarship "Pictus & Writ" includes her Man Ray discovery; she also guest curates. Carey's MFA is from the University at Buffalo and her BFA from Kansas City Art Institute.
Her photo-based art is unprecedented; she is considered a pioneer in the contemporary art field. Her projects use the Polaroid 20 X 24 camera to create her "Pulls" and site-specific installations under her concept "Photography Degree ZeroåÊand her camera-less photogram work is "Struck by Light"(http://www.ellencarey.net).
Her artworks are the subject of 50 one-person exhibitions in museums, alternative spaces, galleries such as The Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art (MATRIX#153), Real Art Ways ("Mourning Wall") and ICP/NY; also in hundreds of group exhibits. Currently, a new color photogram Dings & ShadowsåÊisåÊin "The Democracy of Images: Photographs from the Smithsonian American Art Museum"; Vassar College in "The Polaroid Years: Instant Photography and ExperimentationåÊandåÊAperture Foundation as "The Edge of Vision: The Rise of Abstraction in Photography.
Akus Gallery presents "Let There Be Light: The Black Swans of Ellen Carey" in Eastern Connecticut State University and Ibu Gallery features new work for Paris PHOTO. A bibliography includes reviews/essays/articles; brochures/catalogues/books; she is the recipient of numerous grants (NEA, CAPS) and Carey lectures widely.
"Cascading Circles"created by Ellen Carey as a color photogram at 24 x 20 inches created in 2007.
Ellen Carey is Associate Professor at The Hartford Art School/University of Hartford. Her scholarship "Pictus & Writ" includes her Man Ray discovery; she also guest curates. Carey's MFA is from the University at Buffalo and her BFA from Kansas City Art Institute.
Her photo-based art is unprecedented; she is considered a pioneer in the contemporary art field. Her projects use the Polaroid 20 X 24 camera to create her "Pulls" and site-specific installations under her concept "Photography Degree Zero and her camera-less photogram work is "Struck by Light"(http://www.ellencarey.net).
Her artworks are the subject of 50 one-person exhibitions in museums, alternative spaces, galleries such as The Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art (MATRIX#153), Real Art Ways ("Mourning Wall") and ICP/NY; also in hundreds of group exhibits. Currently, a new color photogram Dings & Shadows "The Democracy of Images: Photographs from the Smithsonian American Art Museum"; Vassar College in "The Polaroid Years: Instant Photography and Experimentation Aperture Foundation as "The Edge of Vision: The Rise of Abstraction in Photography.
Akus Gallery presents "Let There Be Light: The Black Swans of Ellen Carey" in Eastern Connecticut State University and Ibu Gallery features new work for Paris PHOTO. A bibliography includes reviews/essays/articles; brochures/catalogues/books; she is the recipient of numerous grants (NEA, CAPS) and Carey lectures widely.
"Cascading Circles"created by Ellen Carey as a color photogram at 24 x 20 inches created in 2007.
Ellen Carey is Associate Professor at The Hartford Art School/University of Hartford. Her scholarship "Pictus & Writ" includes her Man Ray discovery; she also guest curates. Carey's MFA is from the University at Buffalo and her BFA from Kansas City Art Institute.
Her photo-based art is unprecedented; she is considered a pioneer in the contemporary art field. Her projects use the Polaroid 20 X 24 camera to create her "Pulls" and site-specific installations under her concept "Photography Degree ZeroåÊand her camera-less photogram work is "Struck by Light"(http://www.ellencarey.net).
Her artworks are the subject of 50 one-person exhibitions in museums, alternative spaces, galleries such as The Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art (MATRIX#153), Real Art Ways ("Mourning Wall") and ICP/NY; also in hundreds of group exhibits. Currently, a new color photogram Dings & ShadowsåÊisåÊin "The Democracy of Images: Photographs from the Smithsonian American Art Museum"; Vassar College in "The Polaroid Years: Instant Photography and ExperimentationåÊandåÊAperture Foundation as "The Edge of Vision: The Rise of Abstraction in Photography.
Akus Gallery presents "Let There Be Light: The Black Swans of Ellen Carey" in Eastern Connecticut State University and Ibu Gallery features new work for Paris PHOTO. A bibliography includes reviews/essays/articles; brochures/catalogues/books; she is the recipient of numerous grants (NEA, CAPS) and Carey lectures widely.